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“walking is too slow. I hate to walk when I know riding my bike will get me there so much faster.” –Corey Ellis

Why the rush? People seem to think there better ways of spending their time than walking. It’s not where you go it’s how you get there.

All of the people I interviewed said that they think about their life and not their surroundings when they walk. What does this mean to our research? People are self involved and when left to their own devices, they will think about themselves…. is this a postive or negative personality trait? How can we expand their thoughts to their environment (outside themselves)? can we use their self obsession to our advantage?

Transcendentalism. Use your surroundings to learn about yourself.

“At night I think about what is around me more.” – Nancy Harris

“I only think about my surroundings at crosswalks” – Mehran Moin

Danger element brings people to attention. Scare them out of their own heads. Like all other species.

When questioned 3 out 4 people did not openly declare/decide there is a social stigma associated with walking. Maybe the social aspects of walking are not the right avenue to pursue. They seemed to think that walking alone was not that big of a deal.

one participant said it is hard to walk in groups of more than two because it is hard to keep in stride with that many people, and you end up walking like sheep. Usually large groups break into clusters of two. Logistics of sharing your attention and managing your steps.

All boils down to “Stop and Smell the Roses.” People spend their whole lives in anticipation of something anything everything. Living in the now is some self help bull shit that might provide some foundation for our project.